Dizzy fish


Recent addition to a relatively new tank, a radiant wrasse. Was fine for several days, now spins around as if its balance/equalibrium is off. Still tries and does eat, but I don't know how long this can last.
Any thoughts out there?


Can't do the picture. Looks like a blue head wrasse, only different coloration. Doesn't look ill other than when he swims- Can't swim straight


He is about 4". The tank is 360 gallons. 6 ft wide, 4 ft high, 2 ft deep. Not a lot of fish in it yet. Water quality is fine, all other fish fine so far(3 yellow tangs, picasso trigger, cinammon clown, asfur angel, japanese sweetlips)


Staff member
Use a magnifying glass and give him a good inspeaction to see if you notice any other problems.


Got a close look at him yesterday. Nothing to see- no spots, ulcers, etc. He is still trying to eat but basicially stays in the crevices of the reef sculpture so as to maintain balance. When he swims, he spins....Very said
Other fish are fine other than a juvenile emperator whose getting walloped by a somewhat larger asfur angel


Staff member
Since you have a reef it is impossible to try to remove him to a QT. It could a neurological problem which would be untreatable. If you can, try to offer food by getting down close to him with food in a syringe. You can add garlic to the food.


Thanks, I do use garlic and it does seem to get him out, trying to eat. I'll keep at it. As the tank is 4 ft deep, its tough(no, impossible) get to the bottom with a baster.
Will hope for the best.


Update on dizzy fish...
Still alive, eating a little, but still spins when tries to swim. Mainly staying put on the sand.
Still no lesions, skin breaks, etc but seems to be losing weight.
Local pet store called it dropsy and offered no reason for optimism