

It begins!!
Yesterday I brought home my first fish for the new 180 semi-aggressive reef. He's a sargassum trigger - appropriately named Dizzy - that I found in my LFS over a week ago and couldn't get out of my mind. He's probably about 3 inches big.
When I found him at the store, they had him in with some other triggers and fake rock after QT. The fake rock had an arm and all that "Dizzy" did was swim around and around and around and around it. When I made the decision to go get him yesterday, I said to my father, "I wonder if he's still swimming circles." Of course, when I get there I run up to the tank to make sure he's still there, and sure enough, not only is he there but he is still swimming circles!!
Watched him for another 20 mins, had the owner of the store feed him, and then brought him home. I didn't expect to see him because of how timid and shy they are rumored to be when first introduced to a tank, but low and behold, after acclimation, I put him in and all he did was cruise the tank like he was saying "Yes! This is way better then my old home!"
He never hid once!! He is now obsessed with his own reflection and chases himself up and down the glass. He hasn't started swimming circles yet. I sure did get one with a lot of personality!!!


My sargassum never hid either. Very firendly fish, swims right up to my hand when I feed.


He is a character. Slightly timid, but coming along. Determined to stay in his corner. Tried to get him to eat some spectrum pellets, but he was not going for them whole-heartedly. Got some plankton, some garlic, and some selcon, he went nuts. Put it in the opposite side of "his corner" and he finally crossed over to the dark side. I'll try to start him on my homemade stuff when I make a fresh batch tomorrow. My father was having panic attacks about the 3 cleaner shrimp in with him, but as I was spying around the corner earlier this afternoon he was in their "station" gettin cleaned so I think we're gonna be alright there. Definitely different from our Huma in the aggressive tank who would've went after them the second he hit the water. I'll get some pics up when he's under normal lights. While he's getting used to his new home I just have the blue moon lights on.
Can't wait to hear how he reacts when there's 10 people in the room watching the superbowl....Go Steelers Go!