Do anenomes eat your fish???


I had a friend who bought either a Florida condii or a pink haitian. It moves all over the tank and seemed to enjoy landing on the clam. One day they found the clam open and gone. They also have lost fish. One was a yellow watchman gobie and some shrimp. Is this thing one that eats your fish???
What is your experience with this type of anenome??
How do you keep it from eating your fish and other inhabitants???
Do all anenomes do that???


That type of anemone will most likely not eat a fish or shrimp. I have the same species. I have even seen a cleaner shrimp steal food from it. As far as the clam goes it might have gotten stung to cause the death of the clam. Also with clams it is difficult to tell what a health clam looks like if you dont know what to look for. I have seen a number of clams in petstores with central bleaching and were sold at full price. Unhealthy clams look good one day and dead the next in some cases. Some species of anemones are more prone to eating fish. Some speices even have such a potent sting to do some major damage to human flesh :eek: I would suggest your friend check out this mesage board to get more information. Something is definately wrong if she keeps knocking off fish and shrimp. It could be a simple soulution of proper acclimation.