Do clowns dig?


Active Member
I have 2 black Ocellaris. I believe that they are a pair, although they are the same size, because since I have had them they almost never leave each other's side.
Last night after the halides went off and only the actinic was on one started to "dig" a hole in the sand at the back glass.
Is this normal behavior? Is something going on I should be watching?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I have 2 black Ocellaris. I believe that they are a pair, although they are the same size, because since I have had them they almost never leave each other's side.
Last night after the halides went off and only the actinic was on one started to "dig" a hole in the sand at the back glass.
Is this normal behavior? Is something going on I should be watching?
yes they are diggers. They'll wave their tail and blow out the sand. Friggen annoying.


yep as soon as i turn my lights off they jet to the back right corner of the tank and begin to dig a "nest". they have been doing it every night


Active Member
I wonder if they only do that in pairs. I currently have one ocellaris and it always "sleeps" at the top of the tank by the powerhead and magfloat.


I think it matter where they are hosting. I had a BTA by the sand, and the female would dig around the nem
. I ended moving it up higher on the rock and she stopped.


Active Member
my tomatoe clown has started to dig...
it pisses all my corals off and turns the tank clowdy, i hope its just a temporary thing.


Active Member
mine does it and she is the only clown in the tank. shell dig a hole and then sleep in it at night. well she used to. now she has a cave that she sleeps in. but anyways, only clown in the tank, and doesnt host anything.


New Member
My 2 clowns don't dig, didn't actually know they did, they both sleep in the top corner by the pump. But my blue damsel 'Bluey' digs all the time. He's amazing. All the liverock fall down because of the amount of digging he does. When it looks like he's done, we put the chips back under the liverock just so he's got something to do again. He also loves swimming the width of the tank, back and forth back and forth, especially when music is playing in our house. Sometimes we put our glass-cleaner in the way and he swims round it. Great fun :)


I have two GSM and have tried everything to stop them
but they keep going to the same corner and blow all the sand away I even put a piece of rock in that corner but that didn't do a thing