Do Clowns Treat A Toadstool Like An Anemone?

agent 14

I was lookin at some pictures and i saw some clowns swimming on a toadstool do they use them like an anemone....if so wat should i
get a toadstool or an anemone?


I f your clowns are tank raised u do not need an anemone. I have 2 clowns and for sh-ts and grins i bought a moved all over my tank messed up some of my ricordias...and then stayed in the back of the tank...which really sucked cause my clowns hosted in the green bta withing the first 20 I could not see them as much when it moved towards the back.... I have seen many pics and also seen in a lfs clowns appearing to host in a leather..I not sure but someone at the lfs told me they were called frilly leathers...but I do not know much of anything about leathers..i'd like to find out myself cause I would like to get a leather and try it with my clowns...I wonder if the leathers move around as much like anemones? Good luck


Leather corals are not mobile as anemones. At my LFS, a toadstool in their reef tank has grown to easily 18 inches tall, and a few months ago a maroon clown was very happy swimming in it.
My clowns fell in love with my bubble coral, actually, pretty surprising. The bubble did not exhibit any signs of disturbance either.


my clown loved my leather. he loved it a little too much became very territorial to anything who would even go to that side of the tank.


Active Member
My maroon clown likes to hang out in my toadstool leather and my anchor AND my green brain....he doesn't go near the anemone!


Active Member

Originally posted by goinballde
I f your clowns are tank raised u do not need an anemone.

you don't need an anemone reguardless.. t hey can and will live fine w/o one
and leathers don't move


I havea little percula that thinks my Flower Pot Coral is an anenome... He wont leave it, but to feed. Its cool