Do fish need light?


I have 1 damsel in my tank and a number of shrooms, dusters, crabs and zoos. Everyone seems happy and growing for about 2 months, but I left my lights off for a day (went out of town) and when I turned it back on, my damsel had croaked and had sunk to the bottom.
This has actually happened more than once with damsels. I seem to be raising mushrooms very well, but i can't raise fish in my tank!!
Do fish need light everyday? Or do I just pick dumb ones who run into rocks at night and bump their heads?
Also, i didn't feed it for two days.. =P
levels are fine.
Ammonia = 0
PH = 8.5
Going to try a clown next time. If Marlin can find Nemo, maybe he can survive in my tank...


Salinity = 1.023
Alk = little high
temperature = 78 i think (stick on thermometer, could be unreliable)
all my critters have been fine and healthy for the past 3 months.
Everything always seems fine until I turn out the lights for a while. What are you thinking? the light makes the water warmer and without it theres a drastic temp change?


Will fish instantly die because of light shock?
It is pitch black in that room if I have no lights on.


I don't know. I know that light affects the rise and fall of alkalinity, the temperature of the tank, etc. A 60 Hex is quite tall, so maybe there's not enough surface movement and there's not enough oxygen. I wish I had paid more attention in my chemistry class way back when. 78 isn't a lethal temperature, but what is the temp of the room the tank is in? What is the temp when the lights are on vs. lights off?
Were there any marks on the dead fish? I doubt it would be a result of shock from the light because it was dead when you turned the lights on.