Do Flame Scallops have eyes?


I recently acquired a flame scallop (I know they're fussy eaters, almost impossible) and I feed him 3 times a day using Kent Micro-Vert food, wasn't sure if it would actually work. Well I use a syringe to feed him and it seems that when he's not being fed his tentacle things are shorter, but when I put the syringe by him he opens up wider and his tentacles are longer, is he actually eating? It seems like it, because he loves it, or so it seems, maybe I'm just paranoid :notsure: . I did read somewhere that they like this Micro-Vert stuff, anyone know anything about this?


Active Member
Have you looked up (google) the outstanding article by Rob Toonen on Flame Scallops? That will cover feeding, etc. It often appears that they are "eating" but it may not actually be used by the animal.
As for the question about eyes, well, not image forming eyes but many can sense shadows and light/dark.


I'll have to look that up! Hmmm I hope it is eating, maybe I'm being decieved? :thinking: