Do GSM's rub


Active Member
I may have a problem with my female GSM. Sorry no picture.
Looks like she was rubbing against something and rubbed the maroon color clear off. :thinking: It is on both sides, located in the middle to back of her body.
She is eating and appears to be healthy.
Is this normal.. They have been in the tank 6 days.


How big is the spot that's been rubbed off? Any chance it's not rubbed off, but instead something attached to her?


Active Member
1/8" on one side and 1/16" on the other. No nothing attached to her. I looked very close and it looks like she scraped up on the rock or something. She was pretty mad at the anemone when it closed up the other night and it is wedged between 2 rocks....


Hmmm...mine love to kick up sand with a lot of tail fluttering, but the only time I've seen rubbing were when they got sick.


Active Member
I have never physically seen her rub against anything just looks like it... She appears to be healthy. Swimming,
eating and overall her agressive self.


Active Member
No recent changes... There is only one chromis in the tank with these 2. She did not look happy when the anemone closed up for an hour last night. Other then that. All is well.


Active Member
Is she rubbing on the rock in a way that looks like she's trying to get at the anemone? I've had mine scratch a line through her gold bar sometimes when the anemone closes up while eating. She gets very angry and physical with the anemone with lots of bumping and fluttering.


Active Member
Hey Mr bill,
Well I figured out the problem. I broke out The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and looked up the disease and from there took a ride to my LFS to verify the disease. They have fungal disease that can not be treated in the tank.

I have to pull them out of the tank and send them back for treatment. Since I have had them less then a week, they are covered only if they treat them. If I treat them, it is my dime. I do not have the name written down but, they have a 50/50 shot of survival and it is commen for clowns to get this disease.
I guess this comes with the territory.
I tried to pull them from the tank, no dice......male came out with no issues female she is tooooooooo smart and ducks in the rocks.... :mad:
LFS coming over to yank them out.


Active Member
my bets brookynella or however its spelt if not treated they will die if treated dont worry about it as long as ur lfs is a good store but check on them everyday bc they might get better and say they died and they reall sold them to someone. u cant trust some stored.


Active Member
That is what they have. Good thing is if they do not make it. Then they will replace them. Can't beat that, but I can see what you are saying about dishonest LFS's.