Do Hermits Eat Live Fish?

I recently added a few rather large hermit crabs to my tank. The shells on them are around 1.5-2" long. I have been spot feeding my anemone and now I can't tell if he has spit out the skeleton of the big silverside I gave him and the hermits are eating that or if they are eating a fish. With all the LR with in my tank it is impossible to find half the fish anyways to do a head count. I did give them a few silversides last night and they went crazy over them, but after they were done I took out the skeleton.
These things seem to be voracious eaters, and while I know they are opportunist feeders, they have not messed with any of my turbo snails YET, so I was hoping they surely weren't messing with any fish.
Any insight on this?


Active Member
Hermits are mostly scavengers. It's possible either it was eating a silverside or it was eating a dead fish from your stock, but they're much too slow and aren't interested in live fish. They will, however, eat snails to gain a new shell.
Originally Posted by m0nk
Hermits are mostly scavengers. It's possible either it was eating a silverside or it was eating a dead fish from your stock, but they're much too slow and aren't interested in live fish. They will, however, eat snails to gain a new shell.
That's what I thought but was not sure. It definately makes me feel better. Thanks for your short, too the point answer.