Do I have a problem?


Active Member
I was testing my calcium because I am going to be getting a clam soon and it read 520. I know thats high but all my corals and fish are perfectly healthy and growing fine.


Originally Posted by Kevin34
I was testing my calcium because I am going to be getting a clam soon and it read 520. I know thats high but all my corals and fish are perfectly healthy and growing fine.

It is a little high, but not high enough to hurt anything. Do you adding anything to boost cal? What kind of salt do you use?


Well-Known Member
Double check that reading with another test kit. What test kit are you using? Go to your local fish store and see if they will test calcium.
If they get a different reading, make sure that you get a new test kit because your test kit is old and not accurate anymore.


Active Member
test kit is API. I'll check the ALK tomorrow. I do not dose the tank with anything and use reef crystals.