welcome yourbossatwork, that is not very nice, though
many of us go to school, adn many of us work oddd shifts
and many of us are also house husbands or wives
and then again many of us are also our own bosses,and have the time to get on from time to time,
and some even may be living on fortunes we may have built or inherited or won
so that may help to answer your question, but please dont' come here looking to start just because you think you are a big shot, you actually sound like someone who either jsut got a goood job and does not know how to handle it or someone who just wanted to kick up some mud, BTW, how did you get the time to login and post this morning, and just maybe I COULD BE YOUR BOSS, lol wouldn't that be a hoot(i'll have to check)
we prefer this to be a constructive and aiding forum, not a scolding one, especially about something that has nothing to do with this board at all
and if you need assistance or want to participate constructively please join in, otherwise, you have other subordinates you can BOTHER with your words
and i agree, no you do not have a problem,
this is a great addiction to have