Do I have proper coordinates?


New Member
Hello All-I am deployed in Iraq now and I am stressed out as you can imagine. I have had FW in the past on a small scale but I do remember the theraputic effects. I am trying to plan this out before I return home and hope that I am in the right place for assistance.
Suggested Reading Material:
Conscientious Marine Aquarist
Natural Reef Aquarium
Aquarium: 100 to 150 Gal – Glass or Acrylic
Calcium Reactor
Protein Skimmer
TEMPERATURE SOURCES: Average Temperature is 78 to 82 Degrees
Heater/Chiller Depending on Geographic Location and Nuclear Location
Stand & Hood Do It Yourself or Pre-Fabricated
Over-Flow Box or Built in Overflow Plumbing System
Power-head(s) and Sponge Guard
Dosing Pump
TESTING SALINITY-GRAVITY: Average Range 1.021 to 1.025
Refractometer or Hydrometer
Wave Maker or Sea Swirl
Do It Yourself or Pre-Fabricated
Submersible Pump for Fuge to Aqu (If below Aquarium)
External Dry Pump for Aqu to Fuge (If above Aquarium)
LIGHTING: 5K or more for photosynthetic corrals, anemones and clams
Very High Output/Metal Halide/Actinic/Lunar
UV Sterilizer
Ballasts, Bulbs,Fans & Mounts
0 LBS Live Sand Fine Grain Where Possible (Aragonite)
0 LBS Cured Live Rock
Oceanic Brand Marine Salt
Water that is treated by Reverse Osmosis
Water Test Kits: Tests Alk,Ca,Mg and pH
Cocktail Shrimp X 2
Cleaning Crew Inhabitants: Invertebrates Contribute Aqu Maintenance
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp (Possible Coral Eater)
Camelback Shrimp (Possible Predatory Habits)
Turbo/Astrea Snails
Nassarius Snail
Margarita Snail
Cerith Snail
Queen Conch
Sally Light-Foot Crab
Emerald Crab
Porcelain Crab
Scarlet Hermit Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Red Duster
Hawaiian Duster
Brittle Starfish (NO GREEN!)
Serpent Star
Lawn Mower Blenny


Active Member
Wow. Someone's done their homework! :D The only thing I can tell you is you need more than 0 lbs of live sand and rock. =P
Blue leg hermits are said to be mean little creatures. Some (but not all) people will tell you they're a bit on the aggressive side and may try to harm/kill your other inverts. Just a precautionary advisement for you to take into consideration. :)
In case you haven't thought of this yet, I would recommend getting a GFCI outlet/power strip. Out of curiosity, what other fish are you considering?
Very nice planning!


New Member
One thing we learn in the military is plan plan plan then plan again before execution is even considered, failure is not an option. I haven't decided on the exact size Aquarium I will use but I estimate it will be between 100 & 150 Gal and because I haven't decided on the tank yet I can't do the exact calculations for LS & LR but I suppose projects are viable. I do want a DSB so I figure on being a little spendy.
I will definitely reconsider the blue hermit crab as part of the cleaning crew because there are still many more options and I won't subject my other life forms to tyranny. As far as the electrical goes I have to upgrade my entire household. My house is an old seventies build with Aluminum wiring with low amperage and no ground. Got the brother in law working on that issue while I am away.
I am a patient man so I don't plan on dropping the M.O.A.B. in the tank just yet. I'll wait for proper cycling and maturing. I will start with a few inverts just to get things going. As far as fish I won't start with anything expensive maybe two firefish I would start with one but if the conditions aren't right at least they won't die alone. I haven't decided on what exactly to follow up with but I know I do want to create a peaceful atmosphere.


Active Member
NICE MY FRIEND, i wish more people would think things out like you did rather than just throwing rock, sand, water, and fish into a tank
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Great list!
I would not recomend the Queen Conch. It gets quite large (10"-14") and can move both your sand and rocks around quite a bit.
For salinity testing I highly recommend the refractometer. It is the most acurate and uses only a couple of drops of water to perform the test. It is well worth the extra $s.
Good luck over there.


New Member
No problem dropping the conch especially if that increases the stability of the infrastructure, I'll make up for it later down the road with a nice happy clam. I Finally decided to go with the 150 gal so now I can begin calculations with the other supplies needed to begin the process.
Yea, you are right WIZ I have been researching and found out that the hydrometer needs to be calibrated by the refractor anyways to be accurate so I'll ditch the hydrometer and sacrifice a few more bucks to ensure that the inhabitants of my Reef don't become casualties of ignorance.
Hey JKR thanks for the compliment. Its kind of my chincy side, I just hate losing money over mistakes that could have been avoided by a little time spent thinking things through not to mention taking the chance of torturing some poor creature because I am impatient.
Besides I have at least six more months in this -#$! hole and I figure I might as well make the most of it by increasing the survival rate of my future fishy buddies through gaining knowledge of there needs. Thanks for the concern fellow aquanauts. I hope I make it home too, I am excited about this mission.
I want to build my own Sump/Fuge and I am sure that I can pick up an affordable used aquarium for this but is there some kind of measurement to determine the most suitable Sump/Fuge's size in regard to the size of the show tank?
I don't quite understand the H2O turnover rate yet either but i am working on it.
For anybody who is starting out like me and is looking for a checklist or just a launch-pad to work with let me know and I'll email an XL spreadsheet that I have been working that helps organize and calculate costs.


I think you did great bye planning. I was one that threw everything together. Wasted a lot of money! So, good job on planning early and good luck man.
In reference to wishing that everyone should plan first, I disagree in some ways. Trial and error can be a very good thing. It can be a great teacher. Just about every thing that is good around us came from messing up or hurrying at one time or another.


Great plan and what a list. A very detail oriented list to boot.
By the way .THANK YOU for your service . It will never go unnoticed in this household.:yes:


New Member
Hi Sal-Ma-Dot,
Woo, this stuff be can researched until your eyeballs fall out. This is quite a challenge. Establishing a delicate eco-system takes some time and money LOTS of money. I created a kind of from scratch check list and have been making some projections but believe I can still tweek it. I'd attach the matrix if I could but its not a graphic prg its an XL spreadsheet.
Is there some kind of calculation that will indicate how many GPH should be circulating through the 150 gal show tank, kind of makes it difficult to purchase the right submersible for the sump/fuge? And is it the sub pump from the sump/fuge what drives the circulation for the show tank?
Do I need a pump to send the overflow to the sump/fuge or will gravity be enough?
Whats better to assist in circulation a SCWD mechanical WM or those nifty little Sea Swirls that eliminate the need for power heads?
Is an external HOB overflow box the only way to deliver and maintain the level of NaH20?
I appreciate any help with these inquires but of course I'll continue to keep digging around.


you can get "reef ready" tanks that have overflows pre drilled in but technically thats still an overflow but just inside. One thing to consider is the depth of the tank. You said you chose a 150 is this the deeper 48" long model? If so you may want to cosider 400 watt halides. If your thinking 135 you would really only need 250 watters. I would think 2 400 with t5 supplements would be fine on a 150. OH, and instead of a queen conch just get 2 fighting conchs :happy: oh and i'd go with scarlet hermits over blue legs any day theyre genaraly less canabalistic and distructive


New Member
Has anybody purchased the Ultra Premium Fiji Live Rock from saltwaterfish? If yes how was the service and of course the quality of the product?


Active Member
I am expecting my Fiji LR from this site sometime within the next two days. I'll tell you how it is once I get it. :)


Active Member
ive recieved both there live rock, and live sand, both of which were great quality, and there shipping has always been right on time for me. best of luck, and give em hell over there! and come home safe and soon! Todd:happyfish


Where are you at in Iraq. My brother just got over there a couple of weeks ago. He is living in a trailer on the front lawn of one of Saddam's palaces in Bagdahd. I just wanted to know if you have seen him.


New Member
Hello Group,
Lefty I hope that the Fiji LR works out well for you and I'll be waiting to hear about the results of its condition and quality.
Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it. I can see now why the statement "by time people finish putting together the equipment and supplies there's nothing left for the reef" comes from. I'll fire a couple hot ones down range for ya' blemmy.
Iraq is a big place and Saddam had many palaces so it kind of depends on the region. I am up north but I do move around frequently enough. It sure would be interesting to meet him out here and don't think it would really be that difficult because the military is like a big family.
Hello Roberta,
Thanks for the luck we can use all we can get. If anybody has any reading materials on Reef Aquariums, Marine Fish, Invertabrates or anything else that will help improve the success and lives of my future salty buddies it will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all for your concern it is really appreciated and IDK the next time you hear from your Bro tell him that SGT Munk says Hooah!


New Member
Can anybody tell me what all this stuff means?
150 gal Acrylic Aquarium, Blue Back, 2 Overflows, 2 drain pre-filters,
2 flex returns, holes drilled and bulkhead fittings.


150 gallon (i dont think this needs explaining :D )
acrylic (a plastic that aquariums are made of vs glass)
blue back (the back is out of blue acrlic)
2 overflows (this is where the water comes out of the tank in a box usually in the corner)
flex hoses (where the overflow drains and where you but into the sump)
holes drillled (umm i dont think this needs it either :rolleyes: )
bulkhead fittings (what goes in the holes so that its water tight with the pvc fitted in)