Do I have room for another fish, suggestions?


Active Member
240g (8'x2'x2') w/ large sump and skimmer, 300+lbs of LR, Aragonite, FOWLR.
Current fish:
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray
Yellow Tang
Aust Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Maroon Clownfish
Blond Naso Tang
Brazilian Golden Moray
I think there may be room for 1 more. Any suggestions? It can't be yellow ( I have too much yellow).
I was considering:
Lunar, Bird, or Coris Wrasse
Mag Foxface
I would like a hardy fish that can be fed (Forumla 1 & 2, Spectrum, Shrimp, or Nori). These are what my tank is currently eating along with Spirulina, Kent Carnivore & Herbivore, Boyds Vita Diet.
I would like something active that doesn't get too aggressive, doesn't destroy decor (ie move stuff), and I'm looking for something in the Blue or Red colors.
LOL, think those are hard enough guideleines.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
240g (8'x2'x2') w/ large sump and skimmer, 300+lbs of LR, Aragonite, FOWLR.
Current fish:
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray
Yellow Tang
Aust Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Maroon Clownfish
Blond Naso Tang
Brazilian Golden Moray
I think there may be room for 1 more. Any suggestions? It can't be yellow ( I have too much yellow).
I was considering:
Lunar, Bird, or Coris Wrasse
Mag Foxface
I would like a hardy fish that can be fed (Forumla 1 & 2, Spectrum, Shrimp, or Nori). These are what my tank is currently eating along with Spirulina, Kent Carnivore & Herbivore, Boyds Vita Diet.
I would like something active that doesn't get too aggressive, doesn't destroy decor (ie move stuff), and I'm looking for something in the Blue or Red colors.
LOL, think those are hard enough guideleines.

With the eels, I would say you should get a Sohal. I like the wrasses too


Active Member
I think you have room. Love the Sohal Tang idea, not sure how much your other Tangs will like him once he takes over the tank though....How about a Niger Trig (mellow by Trigger standards)? Lunare Wrasse would be a good fit also. I am anti-Foxface, I know a couple people that have had fish killed by a sting, if your Queen harrasses the Fox, she would be a prime candidate. How about a Blue Hippo Tang?


Active Member
Sohal - Afraid he would be a killer (have heard stories)
Niger - Worried about any Trig with my Lion
Lunar - Have heard Lunatic stories and can't let one kill my Aust Tusk
Hippo = Ich thanks
I am leaning towards a Green Bird Wrasse right now. Adds color & movement without becoming a killer.


Active Member
Ok, since you asked...How about Achilles Tang, not as aggressive as Sohal, more active and entertaining than Naso or Yellow (I had all three together for a bit). Sorry its not the color you want, but it is the most beautiful fish I have ever owned (had mine for over 6 years).
Your fish are fantastic a "full tank shot"? Yellow Tang looks a little thin
Is he ok?


Active Member
No full tank shots yet. The Yellow had a hard life he had Ich while in QT and during a 20g holding tank he developed HLLE as well.
He's cured of the Ich and the HLLE has just about vanished but it has taken several months now. He's a little pic, trust me he's not too thin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Ok, since you asked...How about Achilles Tang,
I love them as well, but have heard poor survival rate and the last thing I want to do is introduce an ich machine into my tank. Did you ever have issues.
The Ich issues are the reason I avoid the Hippo that I would love to have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
I love them as well, but have heard poor survival rate and the last thing I want to do is introduce an ich machine into my tank. Did you ever have issues.
The Ich issues are the reason I avoid the Hippo that I would love to have.
Achilles was the first fish I bought after my 75 cycled (probably not very smart for a beginner), I later upgraded to a 130. He never had an issue, and was the undisputed "alpha" of my tank (with 2 triggers too). I find them very hardy once established, it sounds like you have a QT tank, so if one makes it through that I think it would be fine. If one can survive me as a beginner 7 years ago, I think they would prosper in a 240 like yours. BTW I have never had Ich in a saltwater tank, I suppose I am just lucky.
Oh, the only bad thing with my Achilles was he was horribly aggressive toward new fish for about 2 days, I doubt this would be a problem with you as I suspect your Queen Angel is the "Queen" of your tank?
Glad to hear your Lion is eating better.


Active Member
Well I made a call today and found a 7" Green Bird Wrasse male. I'm going to give him a shot as he has colors and will add activity without massive size.
I just hope I don't have a holy wrasse war. I'm going to QT him in my 75g for a little while and make sure he is disease free but looks awesome as of right now.


Active Member
Congratulations on the new addition! The Green Bird Wrasse will be a fine specimen. Get pictures of the new guy soon!


Active Member
Yeah, it's a cool fish, if I do a Wrasse in my next tank, that would be the one...Keep us updated.
Should have gotten the Achilles


Active Member
Beautiful tank! I think when I go larger it will be fowlr. They are alot cheaper, and have my fav fish Triggers


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Personally, I am a HUGE fan of regal tangs, but as someone has already stated, they're rather notorious for ich..


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Personally, I am a HUGE fan of regal tangs, but as someone has already stated, they're rather notorious for ich..
I have never heard of a Regal Tang
Does it have another name?? Regal Angel I know, never heard of Regal Tang.