Do I have sufficient equipment for my reef?

reef dude

Ok guys, im 16 years old and have been in this hobby for about 6 months now, and just set up a 90 gal reef. its been running for 2 and a half months now, just completed my cycle.
On this site, there have been so many discussions about refugiums, chillers, UV sterilizers, skimmers, RO units, etc.....
All i have out of all of these is a wet/dry filter with a protein skimmer. My tank is doing fine now and i plan on adding some shrimp and fish soon, not at once, but gradually.
Are all of those pieces of equipment necessary to have? Would it be possible to successfully run my tank with just what i have. Also, will i need all sorts of supplements like iodine and all that?
the only supplement that i will plan on adding is kalk wasser to help my calcium levels for when i get some corals.
but the bottom line is, im 16, i dont have an unimited supply of money, can i get by with what i have??
also, i work at a LFS so i get good discounts on SWF, that always helps...

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
As far as i know what you have sounds great. You might need to add Calcium for better coral growth and have some powerheads located throughout your tank for circulation. Other than that you should be able to sucessfully support a reef environment!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
You definately can have a successful system with what you have. Most of the stuff you mentioned are great, but not necesity. You should definately use RO water, you can get it from your local grocery store. Many people say a skimmer is a must, but I have never used one, and prolly never will. A refugium is a great tool if you want to keep something that just wouldnt mix in you show tank, and is a great way to lower nitrates using macroalgae. UV sterilizers arent practical for saltwater systems, cuz they kill off important bacteria. As long as you have solid bio-filtration, great water movement, great lighting, and dont overstock/overfeed you will have a successful system...just my .02 :D


IMO not all of the equipment is absolutely needed.I would recommend an RO unit,especially with a larger tank.You really don't want to use tap water because of unwanted contminants in it, and buying water would get pricey. Power heads for water movement and a good skimmer is something else you should have.With enough lr and ls you really don't need a wet dry,IMO.If you do regular water changes, supplements aren't required, most brand name salt mixes have trace elements in it. A good test kit to monitor water parameters is essential.