do i have to do water change?


do i have to do a water change if my tank is cycling? i got 3 damsles in my 55g and the guy at the lfs told me i dnt have to change the water for like 3 months cuz its cycling, eventhough if it has the fish in it. is this true?
all help is greatly appreciated. thanx in advance


I think you need to find a better LFS myself. Silly, silly... You need to do water changes. At least 10% every other week.


Originally Posted by j-j_02
i dnt know, this is wat the guy said. im motlikey gunna do watter changes tho.
There are plenty of people that work in aquarium stores that don't know what they are talking about.
You can't go wrong with doing water changes. Anyone who tells you not to for 3 months is really out there somewhere. Wanna kill everything in your tank. Go three months without a water change and you will.


Originally Posted by j-j_02
i dnt know, this is wat the guy said. im motlikey gunna do watter changes tho.
Did you buy a liquid master test kit? Do you have tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph? What are you using to measure Sg? What did this guy at the lfs, who is counting on these fish dieing but got your $40, tell you about the cycle?