Do I have to have a lot of livestock/LR?


I am planning to get a 120 gal tank.
My question is do I have to keep this tank filled with like 200 pounds of LR and a whole entire cleaning crew?
All I am planning to keep in the tank for now is 2 percs.
I want to take it very slow and add very gradually. How much live rock and cleaning crew do I need?


Active Member
so no lr and you don't want a crew? 2 fish? interesting concept.
personally i'd rather have lr, a crew and no fish.

nm reef

Active Member
You can definitely add LR over time...maybe even save some funds and use base rock....along with smaller amounts of quality for clean up crew additions...that will eventually be determined by the need for them. In a 120 that is lightly stocked you could gradually develop your clean up crew but not until the cycle is completed and the system is stable.
The eventual amount of LR will depend on what your intentions are....if its going to be a lightly stocked fish only you could get by with less LR than if you intend to develop a reef tank or a heavily stocked fish only.:thinking:


well as little live rock and clean crew for first. but eventually I will get them all.
I just want to know if I were to start with very few fish, how much LR and cleaning crew do I need?


Just get yourself about 40-45lbs for $100-130 and you will be fine. I might not look that pretty since you will have so much open space but the filtration is what you are interested in, right?


okay cool.
so with 120g tank, 2 percs, 40-50 lb of live rock and lots of base rock. how much of a cleanign crew do I need? an army? or just a Rambos or 2?


I am reading some where that I need about 120 hermit crabs, 60 turbo snails, 3 pepermint shrimp, etc.
Do I need this much?

bill f

probably not at first as your bioload won't be that high with just 2 fish. But add as you go. If algae builds up add some more.