do i have too many fish in tank


New Member
i have a 75 gallon tank with a 6" huma huma trigger,5" niger trigger,10" snowflake moray eel,4" fox face rabbit fish,7" green spotted puffer,4" mexican rainbow wrasse, 5" lunare wrasse. i have these in here for about 4 months but i was told the tank is too small does anyone have any suggestions


while there are exceptions to every rule on paper your tank is destined to fail . i cant imagine your water quality is at all decent but then againyou might have a great filtration system. what are your water parameters?


New Member
i have a penguin dual filter and a dual whisper filter,a filter attached to a powerhead.a cheap protein skimmer and some other filter on the back with pebble like substances in it(i was told its a bacteria filter).as you can see i'm new at this. how do i tell if the water quality is any good


Active Member
keep one of triggers or the puffer, the wrasse and the eel. in my 75 i have a humu, a snowflake, and a lunare wrasse and it looks real nice. you can take the fish back to your lfs for credit. bo


I would certainly say yeah, over loaded tank. Those fish are pretty big, also you should not have gone out and bought all those fish and not known even how to test water, one of the most important things you can deal with! I trust you know how to test salinity, but to test pH, nitrates and nitrites, you will need a test kit, witch you can find at your Local fish store. Also if you have cheap skimmer, not going to do it, that many fish :eek: ! What can do to help: TEST KIT! Good Skimmer, not a cheap one! and that sure is alot of fish! Possibly return the ones that are alot more agressive, not as interesting, and larger. Obiously you did not look around alot for info on fish size and there needs! Also if your fish store sold you fish that big, and didn't ask what size aqaurium/didn't care what size, then there probly in it olny for the money and possibly you should find a different store to buy fish from. Hope it all pulls through,


I have a 135 that (when done) has a snowflake, antennatta lion, harlequin tusk, humu humu trigger, and a foxface. That's just to give you an idea. Drop 1 trigger, the puffer, foxface, and 1 wrasse and/or upgrade you filter system.


bring some of your water, maybe a half a ziplock bag full to your local pet store and ask them to test your water also buy a test kit i think your waters going to be in bad shape postthe results here when you get them.. alsohave you done any water changes since you set up the tank?


If you have to ask you probably already know the answer