Do I need a filter with my LR and LS in Nano??



I currently have a 10 gal AGA with:
15lbs LR
Live sand
trumpet coral
yellow polys
bubble coral
peppermint shrimp
emerald crab
I just purchased a rio 50 powerhead, and currently have the crappy factory filter that came with the tank. My question is, If i buy another powerhead can I get rid of the filter? I have heard that with live rock and live sand a filter is not completely necessary.... Let me know what I should do!


Active Member

Originally posted by redhot13
I currently have a 10 gal AGA with:
15lbs LR
Live sand
trumpet coral
yellow polys
bubble coral
peppermint shrimp
emerald crab
I just purchased a rio 50 powerhead, and currently have the crappy factory filter that came with the tank. My question is, If i buy another powerhead can I get rid of the filter? I have heard that with live rock and live sand a filter is not completely necessary.... Let me know what I should do!

I would think you should keep it for several reasons:
1. Place to run carbon
2. Place to encourage gas exchange (like another powerhead)
3. Adds some volume to your nano tank (more volume=more stable)
4. Easy place to drip freshwater/add water as it sticks out from under your canopy
Now if you don't wantto keep filter material in there then I would pull it out and run the filter material on an as needed basis.
Good luck!