Do I need a protien skimmer?


Active Member
In my 84 gallon aquarium I have clown fish, angels, butterflies, invertebrates, anenomes,LR, and a few soft corals, so I was wondering if I really needed a protien skimmer. Some of them cost a lot and since I already spent over 1,000 dollars on my tank I was not willing to buy something I didn't have to have, do I need a protien skimmer?


New Member
1429- As far as if you need a skimmer or not seems to be a question for debate. I think right now there is a poll concerning this from Having said that I use a CPR backpack2-R on my 46 reef 24/7. You would be amazed at the amount of gunk that gets pulled out with a skimmer. My best advice is to go to the search function for the board and type in skimmer. There are many answers and opinions to this question. Hope this helps!


You definitely need a skimmer.
you will please from what the skimmer can do to your tank.
Hope this help


Active Member
A protien skimmer is a "foam fractionator" invented by the Germans in the 70's. this device injects tiny air bubbles into a flow of water (usually pumped by a pwerhead) to replicate the cresting of the waves inthe ocean. The gunk that comes out is like the foam you see on the wave tops. This acrtion is highly essential for a reef tank because (the German style of a reef tank) has no reall filtration. They use what is called the Berlin method (LR, LS, Powerheads and a protien skimmer) for the entire eco system.
I am using this method today and am planning on modifying it slightly by adding a refugium tank below my existing tank. I had a FO tank which means my fish create more ditritus than a reef (forcing the modification). I have a heathly tank - but I must do more frequent water changes because of the number of fish I have.
Hope this drabbling helps.


Active Member
skimmers are a great tool, i personally do not have one, but love them, there is a big debate on whether or not, but if your system is set up properly and doing great, it is more a matter of preference, how is your water quality?, they are definitely a great help, especially for a beginner and should be considered
if you do decide not to get one, be ready to add one if you do need it, they can help you alot