do i need a skimmer for????


i have a 20 gallon with 3 damsels for 4 weeks now(with LR)and the testing of the water has gone very well. i want to add
corals when my water has cycled. is it ok to add corals after completed cycle and do I
need a protein skimmer if i want corals?
and is strong lighting crucial.. or is a descent amout ok?


I have a 35g hex reef tank and I don't have a skimmer. It's true that it'll be better, but because of the shape of my tank, it's tough to do so. I don't have any room for a sump either. So, right now I'm skimmerless. Everything seems to be ok though. As for as the lighting, it's recommended to have at least 3w/gallon. I would look into buying some stronger lighting for reef tanks.