do i need a skimmer?


i have a 55g with soe dead rock and planning on adding live rock and fish only. i got some stock type light but im goig to get sum betr lightbulbs. 2 attinic and 2 regular. i dnt got a sump/fuge. i gt one powerhead and planning on getting another. and i got one penguin 350 filter and planning on getting another. all help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.


Active Member
Every tank should have a skimmer if possible. When you see what they remove from your water you'll see why.
At the same time though, you can run without one, but you need to keep a closer eye on your levels and will probably have to do more frequent water changes.


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Every tank should have a skimmer if possible. When you see what they remove from your water you'll see why.
At the same time though, you can run without one, but you need to keep a closer eye on your levels and will probably have to do more frequent water changes.
should you still do the 20% every 2 weeks if you run one?


Active Member
always do 10% weekly water changes even if you have a skimmer. The water change replaces minerals and elements that are used up by your tank inhabitants, so they need to be done no matter what. Plus it is just a good habit to get into that will make your tank much cleaner and healthier in the long run