Do I Need a UV Sterilizer?


Hey All
Got my new 75 Gallon Fish Only marine tank up and humming, but I have one question for everyone. I am using a SeaClone Protein Skimmer with a Fluval 405 Cannister Filter. So far my tank has only been going for about 1 week and all I have in there are 5 Snails and 5 Zebra Hermit Crabs along with about 40 lbs of Live Rock. (Soon going to add another 20-30 lbs in smaller rock since right now all 40 pounds consist of 4 large rocks.)
What I am wondering is rather simple. Should I add a UV Sterilizer to the Return line of my fluval 405? I plan on adding a few fish that are prone to disease and I am wondering if these actually help?

fish master

with the uv i have, you need to reduce the flow of water that goes thru the uv. i dont think you would want to reduce the flow of your filter. if you want an uv i would find another way of running water thru it. from my experience, they are great for algae blooms or cloudy water, but i dont use mine now


Active Member
Nobody really "needs" a UV unit. UV units have their uses, but most people don't use one and get along just fine. I used to use them on all of my tanks, but I have since stopped.
Fish master is right about reducing the flow rates. You really need a dedicated loop for a UV unit that runs the water through slowly. Putting it on a canister filter's line would almost certainly amount to nothing more than wasted electricity. Things would go through so fast that nothing would be effectively treated.


Active Member
I would quarantine your fish first to make sure you don't put in diseased fish. The only place I would use a UV sterilizer would be on the QT tank.
Side note --- Had a seaclone skimmer once... found it worked better in the garbage. Just my experience with them.


New Member
From the experience that i have had with my UV sterelizer, I would say it was worth getting one.....Not only is my water always crystal clear, but I have not lost one fish to a 'disease' in the 2 years i have had it. I had some outbreaks of ick the first year i had my tank, but since i have had my UV, it hasn't come back!
Just my experience tho...