Do i need bio balls in sump?


OK, im gonna get rif of my can filter and going with a sump.
I have a 60 gal FOWLR + LS, 1 porcy puffer and 1 bursa trigger both 3-4 inches. Aqua C remora skimmer and powerheads
MY LFS said that i did NOT "NEED" bio balls in my sump because i have biological filteration with my LR + LS,
IS he correct, will my bio load be ok or do all of you run bio balls in your sump anyway, any that dont run bio balls?????
what should i do?


oh by the way i do get occasionally algae like slight hair algae and brown stuff on the glass which is really hard to scrape off, what do you guys say??? please help

jb rekit

I say no bio balls and yes to macro algae. It will use up the nutrients that is making your hair algae and cyano grow.

jb rekit

And be sure to use RO water for you water changes and you should see your algae problem start to go away too. The refugium will help a lot also.


but i am leaning towards justa sump, not a sump and refuge.
does that make sense?
ok it sounds like i will be ok without bio balls since i have LR + LS, am i correct?


is the sand what makes the difference in biological filtration?
is it safe to slower add the sand to the tank at any time?


I personally like Bio-balls since the benefit is great. If the end user is plain lazy, higher nitrate levels will be the result. Just take a few minutes to clean, use prefilters and it will never get high at all.
I was not sold on DSB either but after having one it is very hard to look back. The sand will have air bubbles, this is the wonderful process we al lwant, converting nitrates into nitrogen.
I know my Spaghetti Worms love the bed; along with the snails