Do I need mechanical filter?


New Member
Hello all:
I sincerely have enjoyed the forum and the willingness of others to share their knowledge and experience. I have just set up my first 125 gal fish only tank, it is in the process of "the cycle" I have live sand and 10 damsels, the filtration is a CPR CMY194wet/dry, a pre-filter in the overflow box, a skimmer,Mag 7 pump.
I was wondering if I should add a mechanical filter and UV sterilizer, I thank you for any input you might have, I am quite excited about my salt tank to say the least and I want my critters to be happy.
My daughter, wife and I are truly enjoying the damsels and can't wait for the cycle to finish.
I thank you! again for any input


Active Member
UV, not not a "must" but if you want one to make you sleep better they won't hurt.
Mechanical, well, yes, It will help keep the water clean and trap floating ditrius.


Not "needed" but highly recommended. It will trap all the junk that is floating around and make your water much clearer.
On the UV just remember that it is indiscriminate and will kill good as well as bad bacteria etc.