Do I need more filtration?


New Member
I have a 16gallon reef tank, that i am in the process of re-organizing after a few
mistakes in setting up. Firstly, i removed the undergravel filter and crushed coral as
it was causing high nitrate levels in my tank (loss of my fishes). I replaced it with a
1" layer of coral sand.
My tank now consists of:
Aqua One 2x20W light reflector w/ 1x Marine white 9,500K and 1x Marine Blue Actinic
10kg / 22 pounds live rock
2kg / 4.5 pounds coral sand
Eheim 2008 Internal filter - output 150-300l/h
5 x turbo snails
3 x spotted cleaner shrimp
1 x ball coral (not doing so well)
1 x branch / tree coral
I think i need two things:
1x powerhead for additional water flow.
Some sort of protein skimmer.
My LFS suggested I should not get a power head as they are just a waste and can be problematic,
that I need more filtration as the Eheim filter does not provide enough surface area for
bacteria. I thought I had enough of that with all the LR in the tank.
So he tried to sell me another internal filter (2 internals in a 16g tank?)
Anyhow, my question is, was his suggestion correct or should I stick to my original plan
with the PH and skimmer? Also, any suggestions on a skimmer for 16g tank?
Also, im doing 20% changes weekly at the moment because since removing the CC my
nitrates are 80ppm+, and also cleaning out the filter. Should the filter sponge be cleaned in
the tank water? How does this effect the bacteria.
Sorry, so many questions... just getting to grips with this extremely addictive hobby.


i don't get what you mean by filter sponge? don't you have to buy replacement sponges? and i'd never clean anything in the tank...
To me it seems you have enough filtration but i'd DEFINETLY get a powerhead you want to ain for about 300-330gph flow total in your tank even if your filter puts out that much you still want a powerhead for more adverse flow. With an HOB filter your only really getting a Consistant strong flow on the area of the tank that the water is falling into.
20 percent water changes every week seems a little much because your taking 20 percent of your bacteria out every week. It just seems a little much and a natural cycle is having a hard tyme becoming steady...this is a guess and i'm not sure if i'm right.


New Member
It's the internal Eheim filter, which has the sponge inside that collects the buildup of particles in the water. There was allot of crap under the CC when I removed it so the sponge was pretty gunky. I clean it out in the water from my water changes.
Also, the water change is as a result of the high nitrates, normally it would be about 10% every second week.


skimmer is good, as would a powerhead to get some water moving in that tank. Your biological filtration is mostly within your rock, and soon some capacity in your sand as it becomes colonized with organisms from your rock. In my opinion the eheim filter is a nitrate producer, well balanced marine aquariums with good live rock often have no need for mechanical filtration, as it can be detrimental (harboring nitrate producing bacteria). Good aquarium maintenance (water changes, vacuuming detritus) are a better way of controlling waste and detritus. A skimmer is definitely something you should look into getting. the Aquac Remora would be one I would recommend for a tank that size, a bakpak 2 would be good also. Water changes are excellent for reducing nitrates and replenishing trace elements.
Also, when you removed the crushed coral and added the other type of sand, you may have started a mini-cycle, this will probably clear up soon.
When you do water changes, you remove very little beneficial bacteria, most of the bacteria that do the work of the nitrogen cycle require a surface to colonize, and are not free living.
An HOB filter would be good for some flow, and with a few bits of LR rubble in it can become sort of a small refugium for pods and the like.
Hope this helps.


New Member
I have a AquaC Remora on order. I cant wait to get it.
What size powerhead should I look at for a 13gal with softies? I know they cant take too much, is there a limit?


Originally Posted by smilliej
I have a AquaC Remora on order. I cant wait to get it.
What size powerhead should I look at for a 13gal with softies? I know they cant take too much, is there a limit?
Try the filtration you already have and see if the softies like it, it may make enough flow by itself. If not, try one of the small mini-jets or smallest maxi-jet. Its really a trial and error thing.