Do I need more in my clean up crew?


Active Member
I have a 55 gallon and my sand always looks dirty. I don't think it's algae, it just looks like pieces of fish waste. I have about 12-15 hermits, a brittle star, and about 20 snails (ceriths, astrea). Should I get a sand sifting cucumber maybe?
I also have 2 cleaner shrimps, a fire shrimp and 3 peppermints...


I always try to have a Blue Leg Crab per gallon and a snail per gallon. I think you need more of a clean up crew. Just my 2 cents......


Originally Posted by dbalkema
I always try to have a Blue Leg Crab per gallon and a snail per gallon. I think you need more of a clean up crew. Just my 2 cents......
I agree!

I have always tried to keep the same ratio as Dan and I have had good luck with the tank keeping clean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by biohazard
Get you a serpent starfish
What is a serpent starfish? Is it reef safe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by biohazard
Get you a serpent starfish
So its okay to put with a brittle star?


It`s an awesome starfish they are mild mannered. They chill out under the sand sometimes and leave their arms out to search for food. They will also eat the fish waste that sits on your substrate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eyebedam
A horseshoe crab may also work for you.
I heard these don't do well in our systems, not in a small one anyway!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by eyebedam
A horseshoe crab may also work for you.
You don't want to put a horseshoe in a 55 gallon. Have you ever seen how big these buggers get. They would take up plenty of room in a 55 gallon.
After growing up walking around them on the beach I for one wouldn't put one in my tank if my life depended on it.
Denise M.


Active Member
Now I am confussed. I was told not to get a serpant star. Is it the size of my tank - 29 gallon?? I have a reef set up as well.


Active Member
serpants are awsome i have a banded one and i dont see him alot , he chills under a rock where i can just barley see him