DO I need more Iodine for my mushroom


I have a coral musrshroom that got stressed out by my camel shrimp. I removed the shrimp yesterday andthe mushroom seems to be recovering a little bit. Its still not openned up like it did at the LFS. I read that they need Iodine supplement. I am currently using Reef Solution once 1 week. Reef Solution already has iodine in it. Do I need to buy the Kent Iodine solution and add it to my tank as a supllement or will it be overkill.


Active Member
You need to test for iodine and then dose if you want to. You should never dose anything without testing first even if the label gives a dpsing amount.


Active Member
Many believe (and I too) that if weekly water changes are done most people can keep up with their iodine depletion. Personally I would hold off on the reef solutions because you never really know for sure how much you are dosing of each chemical. My opinion, just do weekly water changes.