Do I need more of a filter?


I am new to this whole reef thing. Righ tnow I have a 38 gallon with a 3-4" DBS, and only 10lbs live rock (which within a couple weeks will atleast triple) 3 powerheads. Nothing else, protein skimmer is my next purchase (at the moment fish only tank). I have heard several things about refugiums, wetdry, sumps, etc. Is there one that is better than the other, or is it not necessary at all? I was reading about a tank a couple days ago, like a 150 gallon with ONLY a deep sand bed, live rock, and a protein skimmer, and that was a reef. Whats the deal here?


Whats the deal here? Hehehe.
Well with a 150, a DSB, enough liverock, and a good to very good turnover rate, including filtering corals, Sure you can get away with it, without all the other gadgets, but lets not forget possible water changes either for this guys 150.
Most of us have our main tank. To this we like the options of adding more or better filteration + water volume = less chance of error.
Assuming you know the diff between sump, wet/dry, and refugium or any combination of each. All would add extra filtration and water volume and benifits to our tanks. Which is better? Depends on the system and point of view. Guess I'd have to say the sump/fuge is a good combo.


you being new to the whole reef thing...try to get the the best stuff you can possibly buy...I am not saying blow all your coin....but buying the really good stuff first will just save you money in the long run....Good lights Vho, power compact or metal highli, and as for your question of filtration..... a wet dry would be ideal..and try to over size it a bit, and get a good protien skimmer one that can move all of your water in your tank about 4-5 times an hour(I assume you will be keeping fish in this tank too)this will not only keep your tank water crystal clear but it will cut down alge alot, and oxygenate the water for the fish. If that is not enough for you look into a UV sterileizer...a small one will work good for you( 9 watt) this will help kill any bacteria in the tank..also helps control all that ugly alge.
Those are just a few...hope they help.



Originally posted by monchichi8
If that is not enough for you look into a UV sterileizer...a small one will work good for you( 9 watt) this will help kill any bacteria in the tank..also helps control all that ugly alge.
Those are just a few...hope they help.

Who would want to kill the bacteria in the tank?
Also kills your plankton that your corals feed off my opinion a UV is really not the best of ideas. In a Fish only maybe, but I could still find ways to use my money better.


I understad that bacteria is good in your tank...but Like you said it could all depend how many fish you keep( I like to keep alot of fih in my reef) and also its does help against bad fungi and it does help with the alge problems...Thats why I said if its not enough for you look into the Uv . But would you agree that a good protien skimmer should be 1st on the list?


In a tank with lots of fish in it (yours for example), or proportionally high numbers of fish compared to photosynthetic inverts, a skimmer is as necessary, if not more so than in a reef. in meticulously controlled reefs with a VERY small bio load, things like fish waste and uneaten food are not an issue (though i dont think there is a reefer around who would want to run skimmerless, unless they had a really nice fuge, maybe an algal scrubber or something). I would definately make that a primary priority for your tank even though it has no corals, fishes are messy, and that is one of the primary things that a skimmer takes care of.