do I need this



hello, I have a 30gallon tank 45lbs live rock, about 13 differnt corals and one cardinal, coral beauty, and gobie. a friend sent me a skimmer but its very big and unattractive, do I really need one of these? could someone explain why? also I am getting alot of green gunk on the sides of the tank, I assume from the light, what can I do to help this, I am cleaning off the sides every two days!

kris walker

Active Member
If you are experienced, you don't really need one. But if you are rather new to the hobby, it is probably best to get one. They help a lot, but as said, are not necessary if you have good husbandry practices.

old hermit

my skimmer helped out with alge alot. i had the same problem. i had my tank going for 3 mo. with no skimmer and when i got it the cup filled up in 1 day with nasty stuff in my tank. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


They are good to have they help remove a lot of waste out of the water. I use one on my 45 gallon. I have a Seaclone it it works great. What kind did you get. Is it airstone or powerhead driven. IMO Powerhead skimmers work alot better. :)


Active Member
I've got a 30 long mixed reef tank as well.
Although your's sounds a little more stocked with inverts, fish and live rock than mine, still somewhat similar I'm sure. Most everyone experiences some algae growth - trying to figure out the cause can sometimes be tricky ?
I don't want to repeat myself here, but what are your water test readings ?
Specifically your 30 tank's
What is your lighting type and lighting schedule ?
What type of fresh water are you using for top offs and mixing salt ?
Water change schedule and amount ?
Clean up crew ?
A protein skimmer as said above, can sometimes reduce much of the organic wastes that collect in our tanks over time - especially if we tend to overfeed and have large numbers of waste producing creatures.
Personally I like running my skimmers - but again as said above, they are not at all "necessary" to have a sucessful reef ;)


Hey Tang,
I run mine off the back of my tank. I have read that alot of people like using them in there sump. But it does not take up much space so I run it off the back. I am looking into getting and Amiracle SL-5. Hangs on the back wet/dry with skimmer but I am not sure. :)