Do I really need my power filter?


Active Member
So I have my 55 gal that has been setup for about 9 months now and I have been questioning on whether I should keep the power filter that came with my tank or not. I have roughly 80lbs of LR and 30lbs LS. I have a seaclone 100 protein skimmer and 30x turnover rate in the tank. So do I really need this power filter? It seems like it is just taking up space.


Active Member
I would say that you would not need it. Seems like you have enough live rock and flow to get the job done. The only thing I could see, is that the sea clone may need to be upgraded down the road.


Active Member
Yeh I have been looking into getting a new protein skimmer. I really want to get a recirculating Octopus Skimmer, but they are a little expensive.