Do I Run Protein Skimmer 24/7???


New Member
I just bought a used aqua remora pro with rio1400 and began using last night. It seemed after a couple of hours the collection cup was almost full of water, but not alot of waste. Our tank has been up and running for four months with fish and live rock and you can see alot of waste it could be pulling off. I have it in a corner with the intake part of the pump with a couple of inches of the side of the tank. Should I move it?
Will the skimmer cup overflow during the night if leave it running?


Active Member
Its expected to have alot of wet watery skimmate with a newly installed skimmer. You could try raiseing the cup some to allow the foam more time to dry. After time as the water gets more cleaner the skimmate will become dryier and darker and should not have to empty the cup so often but should clean it more because the skimmate will stick to the tubes and top easier. Most people do run their skimmers 24/7 ( sometimes they turn them off for feeding certain foods or additives for an hour or two ) but if you think the cup will over flow during the night then go ahead and turn it off OR if it has the drain fitting then you can put a hose on that to allow the cup to drain thru the hose to a larger container. If not then you could drill a hole in the cup and and put in a tube/hose and make a drain for it.


Active Member
Don't these things have air and water adjustments on them? For break in purposes, you want it dialed down some so you are not getting the wet foam in the cup.


New Member
If they do have adjustments can anyone tell me where I would find them since this skimmer is used and I do not have any instructions? Thanks!


Active Member
The Remora should have a thick black rubberband/O ring around the outside of the cup that you roll it lower on the cup and that holds the cup higher. I dont know of any other way to adjust a remora.


You need to raise the collection cup by lowering the square rubber 'ring'.
I run my skimmer 24/5 and 21/2. I turn my skimmer off for 3 hours when I feed DT plytoplankton twice a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
The Remora should have a thick black rubberband/O ring around the outside of the cup that you roll it lower on the cup and that holds the cup higher. I dont know of any other way to adjust a remora.
Yes that is correct way to adjust a remora. But this same exact thing happened to me awhile back. I had to take the whole thing down to my tub and give it a good cleaning. You have to use the long brush thing that comes with it to clean the inside of the intake. When removing the little plastic screw, you have to be real careful not to turn it too hard, or you'll never be able to get it out, or it may fall in if you tighten it too tight. Take that screw out and clean the inside with the long skinny brush that comes with it, take off the powerhead and clean the inside of that intake tube also. I'm not sure how to take apart rios to clean, but my maxi-jet was easy to clean. Then I just put everything back on and adjust the cup, no more overflows. I find if the skimmer is plugged up with junk, it will overflow on you, but other then that, it's a great skimmer!!! Your problem lies here, it was used and probably was sitting there dried up, need to soak it to get all the junk soft again before scrubbing. Soaking it in vinegar wouldn't hurt either, the intake part that is. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
You need to raise the collection cup by lowering the square rubber 'ring'.
I run my skimmer 24/5 and 21/2. I turn my skimmer off for 3 hours when I feed DT plytoplankton twice a week.

That's just about the same exact schedule I have