do i still have enough space for 5 green chromis?


i have a 72 gallon with 100 lbs live rock, here is my current roster:
2 peppermint shrimp
numerous snails and hermits
3 turbo snails
9 emerald crabs
1 coral banded shrimp
2 sally lightfoot crabs
1 snowflake eel
2 false percs
1 goldenstriped maroon clown
1 cinnamon clown
1 purple queen anthias
1 blue damsel
then i have 2 anemones and a few corals


my percs are perfectly normal as well as the cinnamon, but my gsm is picky. he attacked the cinnamon everyday when i first added him, but now they seem to get along. my tanks been up since december, so its been up for a few months, and my eel is pretty well mannered, so do you all think it would be ok?
im also thinking of giving the cinnamon and damsel to a friend