Do I Still Need to Cycle tank?


I just converted by salt to fresh.. i rinsed out tank and cleaned it etc.. not sure how much salt remained but its not much if any. Anyway, I used the heater from the salt setup after cleaning it but not too well and i placd it back into tank.
Question is do i need to start a cycle? or will any remaining salt cause the cycle to start?


Active Member
you mean you emptied it out completely and added new water, right? if so, then yes, you need to cycle again.

scopus tang

Active Member
Confused? You converted your saltwater tank into a freshwater tank? Salt isn't what causes a tank to cycle. Waste or die off in the water table that provides food for bacteria is what causes a tank to "cycle". You don't actually hear the term "cycle" much with freshwater, tend to hear the term "establish" more. Both terms are referring to the same thing. Establishing the bacteria population that will ultimately break down the extra food and waste in your aquarium, preventing the buildup of harmful toxins (ammonia and nitrite) which will kill living organisms. Both types of tanks must establish or cycle to produce this bacteria population.

sinner's g

if you add all new water, then you need to cycle. throw in a piece of raw dead shrimp or a few to start the cycle. salt has nothing to do with a cycle.
many don't cycle fresh, but i do.
Originally Posted by Sinner's G
if you add all new water, then you need to cycle. throw in a piece of raw dead shrimp or a few to start the cycle. salt has nothing to do with a cycle.
many don't cycle fresh, but i do.
You are supposed to cycle fresh, not nearly as long as salt, a cycle should be 1 week to a month, depending on tank size