As mentioned in a previous thread, my PB tang is exhibiting some signs of a parasitic infection since I introduced a new fish 1 1/2 weeks ago. Several days after introduction, my PB's color dramatically faded and it bagan scratching against an empty shell. After a few days, its color has returned to normal, but it is still scratching occassionally. Should I remove it to a hospital tank and treat or is the color return a sign of improvement?
There are no other signs of infection (i.e. no dots, red patches, fin problems etc). If it is improving, should I just let it be? This is my prized fish, and I want to do what is right. Please help!
There are no other signs of infection (i.e. no dots, red patches, fin problems etc). If it is improving, should I just let it be? This is my prized fish, and I want to do what is right. Please help!