do long tentacle anenomes split


Active Member
i have a lt anenome in my 20g with my pair and now its doing somthing ive never seen it do its mouth is expanding?do lay eggs like some anenomes or split?
:help: :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
i have a lt anenome in my 20g with my pair and now its doing somthing ive never seen it do its mouth is expanding?do lay eggs like some anenomes or split?
:help: :help:
Mine turns itself inside out sometimes. Now thats gross, but the next time I look in there he's just fine. Don't know if they split or not. Sorry.


LTA's or Heteractis crispa are not known for splitting in the home aquarium, I have read some activity of sexual/asexual and budding spawning events. Really not enough is kown about many of the hosting species and reproduction. I did have a list at one time but lost it when I upgraded computers. Splitting no, not in the LTA's, least not that I have heard of. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen in response to say a stress event. Something might even happen where it pinches off part of a tentacle and it becomes a new LTA.


Dec 2, 2003 article exerpt:
Researchers kept two species of host anemone Entacmaea quadricolor and Heteractis crispa in flow-through seawater tanks at the National Marine Science Centre in Coffs Harbour to keep conditions as close as possible to their natural environment.
Anemones have different sexes, and the males begin the spawning process, possibly cueing in the females, Scott said.
"Just prior to spawning and during the spawning process, the anemones became erect. The males ejaculate first, [their tentacles] go though an amazing series of contractions going up their column before an explosive release."
A female Heteractis crispa releases her eggs, held together in a mucous mass. Each little green dot in this mass is an individual egg. (Anna Scott)
Scott said the males release sperm for 3 minutes, and go through this up to seven times in about an hour. The females then release a mass of fluid and tiny green eggs the size of poppy seeds, which float up through the water where the sperm fertilises them.
"The eggs and sperm float up and form a slick on the surface of the water, fertilisation occurs and they live there for some time then float back down and actively search about for a place to stay," Scott said.
The amount of fluid the anemone spawning produced was staggering, said Scott. Four anemones produced enough egg and sperm-filled fluid to completely cloud a 4000 litre tank.


Originally Posted by clown123
i have a lt anenome in my 20g with my pair and now its doing somthing ive never seen it do its mouth is expanding?do lay eggs like some anenomes or split?
:help: :help:
Do you feed it?- if so could be expelling waste. What type lights are it under? How long have you had it? Water params........
You got Thomas' attention use his knowledge and post anything you think could be the problem so he can help you out.