do mandarin gobies and yellow watchman get along


i want to put a mandarin and a yellow watchman gobie in the same tank together the tanks is 75 gallons would this fish be able to get along fine?


How old is your tank and how much LR do you have? A Mandarin goby requires a minimum of 100 lbs of LR in an established aquarium. It will starve to death if your tank is new and you don't have the LR to support it. I know from experience...They shouldn't even be sold to noobies. Now the watchman goby is differnt and will be ok with the Mandarin. How many newbies here have had a Mandarin goby longer than one year? I suspect none. correct me if I'm wrong.


i dont know about the manderin but a friend of mine put a watchmen in with a bleenie and they went at it all the time, dont know if this happens with all of them but its just what i experienced


thanks for your replies guys i think i am going to give it a try. Of course dindi i'm not going to go this right away the tank i want to put them in is to new at least for the mandarin. I do have a mandarin in my other tank and he is doing good. I only have about 30LB of live rock right now but i plan on adding at least 70 pounds over the next four or five months.
Slappy what kind of blennie did your friend have in his tank that the watchman was fighting with. i know i have a lawn mower blennie and if any one comes near his rock it's fight time.


im pretty sure it was a midas blenny, it just seemed they both wanted to hang out in the same areas and it didnt work out


well jjman, I wish you luck with your Mandarin goby. Beautiful fish but they just don't last in a new or little rock tank. How long have you had the little guy? I suspect no more the 3 or 4 months. The poor guy will die before you have had him 1 year. Even if you focus on his feeding he will parish. I don't want to discourage you but hey been there and my point it worth it. Good luck I hope you prove me wrong