Do Toadstool leathers let off some sort of cloud looking stuff?


I got a Toadstool Leather aabout a week ago and ever since my water gets real cloudy every other day. It takes about 24 hours to clear up then it gets cloudy again, I'm talking can't see the back of the tank cloudy
. Started when I put the Toad in so I know it must be him... Is this harmful? He is about 4 inchs away from his nearest coral which is a colony of blue mushrooms.


People are going to need to know what size tank you have, how long it's been set up, and all your water parameters for starters.


Active Member
this doesnt typically sound like the toadstool thats causing the problem, but it very well ccan be.
are its tentacles out? does it look healthy? or is it dying , or look bad? if so then it could be deccaying and letting this stuff loose, other than that if its healthy its not the would help as well


Ok a little background on my tank... Its a 90g been up and running for 1 1/2 years. Lighting is 2X250w MH 14k, 13g refugium.
My water is reading
0 amonia
0 nitrite
5 nitrate
salt 1.024
So far knock on wood I have not lost one thing I have added to my tank other then a few snails here and there, think my hermits tend to use them for new shells from time to time... Here are some pic's, The Tood's look very healthy from pic's I have seen of healthy ones anyways..

Can click on the pic's for larger image,


Originally Posted by Maingo
I got a Toadstool Leather aabout a week ago and ever since my water gets real cloudy every other day. It takes about 24 hours to clear up then it gets cloudy again, I'm talking can't see the back of the tank cloudy
. Started when I put the Toad in so I know it must be him... Is this harmful? He is about 4 inchs away from his nearest coral which is a colony of blue mushrooms.
First of all, nice tank!

Your tstools look healthy. I've never heard of them clouding the water. I have a huge one and it has never done anything like that. If not healthy, they won't extend their polyps and begin to look grey. Yours are extending and look normal.

Do you have any livestock that would be digging in the sb?? gobies or such??


Originally Posted by AlbFishin'
First of all, nice tank!

Your tstools look healthy. I've never heard of them clouding the water. I have a huge one and it has never done anything like that. If not healthy, they won't extend their polyps and begin to look grey. Yours are extending and look normal.

Do you have any livestock that would be digging in the sb?? gobies or such??
I have a Diamond Watch gobie, but I have been having him since the start of my tank. I was thinking, do you think maybe its my shrooms rejecting my Toodstool? I'm hoping to catch whatever is doing this in the act but it always seems to happen when I step out..


Active Member
Your tank cerainly looks healthy. The coral and fish look good. I had an issue very similar to this about 6 months ago. My tank would be so cloudy it looked like someone had poured a glass of milk into the tank. I was able to catch the spawning in person. My bristleworms had decided to spawn. They were lifting up their tails and discharging I assumed eggs and sperm into the water column. Since this episode I have had to eliminate quite a few worms. They were never a problem before this. Unfortunately for me I ended up having to trap a lot of the adults and dispose of them to cut down on the population. I now have a healthy population of worms. Also the skimmer, and filters caught a lot of the spawning. Quite a sight, but what a pain.
Could this be happening to you? :notsure: I have never seen any other thing like this cloudiness in my tank and I have a lot of leathers, so I tend not to think it is caused by the toadstool.