Do Turbos eat ricordea?


I've just saw one of my large Turbos getting ready to crawl onto the rock with my 7 green ricordeas. After quite a tussle, and one minor rockslide, I finally got him in a full nelson and banished him to the corner of the ring.
Would he have hurt the ricordeas? The largest ricordea is about 5 cm and the smallest about 1/2 cm. The Turbo is about the size of a small babies fist.


Aside from clumsily knocking over any unsecure rocks they can, your snail on probation will in no way harm your coral.


I'm finding out why they are referred to as bulldozers. I figure that in another week or two, I should have the most stable rock formations possible since they are seeking out any balancing rocks I've got in there.
It's really nerve-racking to be sitting at my desk and hear a 5 pound rock hit the glass :eek:

Originally posted by Dan-in-Den
I'm finding out why they are referred to as bulldozers. I figure that in another week or two, I should have the most stable rock formations possible since they are seeking out any balancing rocks I've got in there.
It's really nerve-racking to be sitting at my desk and hear a 5 pound rock hit the glass :eek:

I know what you mean