Do u think a Yellow Tang will hold its own with a huma huma trigger



I have heard they can protect themselves with that spine on the ends of their tales....but i know in the long haul as triggers mature they can become crafty killers. I have had success with lunar wrasse, porcupine puffers and some angels, but i wanted to introduce somthing new!.....Im also looking to put a maroon clown n there. I heard there pretty tough, or at least the meanest out of the other clowns

small triggers

Active Member
yeah,,,, a yellow will be fine actually until the triggers are about 9-10 inches. The maroon will do really well also till they are really large. I have a kole tang and a maroon (both about 4in) in with my 4 triggers, and have been in there for almost a year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
size of the tank size of the trigger and the size of the tang?
Yea, bit confused myself. If you're just looking to add a Yellow Tang in with a Humu & Maroon clown, that's one thing, but adding a yellow tang in with all those other fish, has a whole of different req's then "just not a 29gal..."


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Yea, bit confused myself. If you're just looking to add a Yellow Tang in with a Humu & Maroon clown, that's one thing, but adding a yellow tang in with all those other fish, has a whole of different req's then "just not a 29gal..."
Nah, it will be in a 125g. i haven't got ne of them tank is still cycling with the damsels. Although once its done in a week or two i will probably go for the maroon or tang first and try to add in the trigger last

crypt keeper

Active Member
Take the damsels out now. You dont need to cycle your tank with live fish no matter how cheap. Use some pieces of shrimp. Let your cuc eat it up. Those little damsels are barely making your trates jump anyway in that big of a tank.
You should be fine with a decent sized tang and smaller Humu Humu.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Take the damsels out now. You dont need to cycle your tank with live fish no matter how cheap. Use some pieces of shrimp. Let your cuc eat it up. Those little damsels are barely making your trates jump anyway in that big of a tank.
You should be fine with a decent sized tang and smaller Humu Humu.
Interesting i've never heard that before...would i get some type of feeder shrimp...and if so, how much?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Some people do nothing. Some use fish. I used ghost shrimp. Added them waited they did their thing. I added my eel and trigger and they magically vanished. All was good.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
To answer your original question I personally have had a humma and a yellow together at one time and never had a problem