Do we all always feel this way?



Maybe it's just me, but I am always worrying about my tank... I know I am new, but this thing is so thought consuming. I worry about everything.
is there enough flow? Where is my shrimp? Was that too much food? I don't think it's safe to add a new fish yet.. How can I get rid of that algae? Do I need to add any vitamins? Am I mixing my water right? It is kinda starting to drive me crazy... :hilarious Are you all like this or is it just me. I have read, and heard about all these crappy things happening to peoples tanks. So all I can do is wonder if I am doing everything the right way... I usually feel like the answer is no..

Believe it or not my fiancee told me the other night I was talking about the tank in my sleep..... I talk in my sleep from time to time. From she said I hit her with the pillow a few times. When she asked what I was doing I said I was cleaning up all the water from the fish tank.. :notsure: Another night I told her she needed to get all the snails out of the tank because something was wrong. This is no joke.. I really do talk in my sleep, and now my SW tank has taken over my dreams apparently :scared: Kinda sad, and scary if you ask me. SW is gonna force me to go to therapy :help:
So is it just me? Or does everyone worry about their tanks alot?
i just got done cycling my very first saltwater, and iam going though the same stuff, kinda feels good knowing that iam not the onlhy one losing my mind :notsure: . its like every 5 min i have to check my tank......


Active Member
i am the same. but i never talk in my sleep about it. i only really worry about it when i am doing something with my tank. never like when im not home. but even when i am watching it to enjoy it i think about needing to fo something with it.


I got it bad to!! I haven't even started my tank yet and it consumes my every wakeing thought. I can't stay off the internet I visit the fish I want to get, at the lfs. This is my fist time ever joining ANY chat room. I'm overwhelemed with info, and theirs still a lot a want to know. I hate to see what I'm like on a couple of weeks when I get every thing! :scared:


Active Member
I always worry about where my shrimpys are, it drives my other half nuts, at night, I am always looking for them with a flashlight. We have the QT tank set up in our bedroom, and its so noisy, and at night I wake up, get out of bed, turn the light on, to check on the fish, sometimes I think I hear the noise of a fish flapping on the floor, or that the tank is overflowing, it drives Adam nuts.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I always worry about where my shrimpys are, it drives my other half nuts, at night, I am always looking for them with a flashlight. We have the QT tank set up in our bedroom, and its so noisy, and at night I wake up, get out of bed, turn the light on, to check on the fish, sometimes I think I hear the noise of a fish flapping on the floor, or that the tank is overflowing, it drives Adam nuts.
LOL I am the same way... I have not seen my Pistol shrimp for about a week and half... Every time I walk past the tank I am grabbing the flashlight looking for him.. No wonder he don't come out.. He prolly thinking "if that Mfer shines that on me one more time..." Ima keep looking though.. Can't find him. What else am I suppose to do?
Good to know Im not the only who is nutz..


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackburnD
SW is gonna force me to go to therapy :help:
i think everyone shoudl if you think about hom much money we on this hobby to have a few nice looking fish....
but i agree it is a hobby and no one said it was gona be cheap...
So is it just me? Or does everyone worry about their tanks alot?
yes i as well worry about it
but after the months i have been at it i begin to lose my worrys. i still worry a TON when i go away but i work things out


Active Member
oh my gosh my husband was just telling me the other night i sleep drink and eat saltwater. lol every night before bed i check for all my fish with a flash light and see if any have ich it is crazy, but i heard it is stress full to shine a flash light in the tank so i have been fighting the erge to do it . it this true?


Lol i don't know about the flashlight but when i was living in my apt on the 3rd floor i had a 55 reef and i was always paranoid that it was going to fall through the floor or break all over the place. It never did though


Active Member
as time goes on, it does settle down since you will gain confidence with each trial and tribulation, each successful new spawnning, ect.
But beware,- the tanks get larger, the stock more costly, and the projects more ambitious.
JMO after all the years and still getting exited about a bunch of wet rocks and fungus


Active Member
i worry when i go on vacation. all the other times i thinking of what i can do next to my tank? got to break the addiction


Oh my gosh, I thought it was just me! I thought I was going crazy. I worry about my tank while I am at work and the first thing I do when I come home is check the blasted thing. I always check everybody out and I worry about even my corals. I think I have an infestation now and it's giving me a fit! My husband has began to tell me that he thinks I made a mistake getting into SW because I am obsessed. I NEVER did this with my FW tank.


Active Member
u guys are funny!
we all have those moments of worrysome thoughts... believe me my tanks running perfectly but i have so much money and time in it that even when im at work im thinkin and wondering if its ok ... why does it do this to us?? becuz we are passionate about this and treat it as though it were our lil kid lol
i was ranting to another friend of mine that has a 180g sps tank also the other day tellin him how tiring it is to always do so much maintenance to constantly test and worry that something is out of wack always worrying if when ur gone from the house if everything is ok... and we just figured hey if we didnt have this in our lives what would we do with all that new founded free time lol....
anyways its normal from what i have found to get semi to totally obssesed about your tank hahaha


Active Member
I worried a lot at first, but then once I got the hang of things and nothing bad was happening, I stopped worrying. I've had saltwater fish for over 10 years - in fact, most of my fish had been with me that long until just recently - and I actually reached a point where I didn't think about things at all. I fed the fish, changed the water, and barely paid any attention to anything because everything had been clicking along just fine for years. Last December, we went through a prolonged power outage and I lost most of my fish. Going to the LFS and thinking about what new fish I wanted to get really got me energized about the hobby again. Now that I want to do more with my tank (I had just been doing FOWLR for the longest time) I've gotten to be pretty preoccupied again. It doesn't help that I've recently had one problem after another. Red slime, diatom bloom, unwanted sea cucumber hitchhiker, and now apparently flat worms. Now I check my tank every night, looking under the moon lights to see if anything new and weird is going on. So no, it's not just you. As time goes on and you realize that everything's going the way it should, you'll stop being paranoid. Then you'll start another project and be paranoid all over again...
You have to look at this one logically:
Saltwater tanks take all your money, most of your time, you love your fish, coral, fungus, etc, so you are going to worry about it.
After it matures, the only time your going to worry is if you go away, and have somebody else taking care of it for you :scared:


The first thing I do every morning is check the tank to make sure everything is alive
It is a very comsuming hobby but I enjoy it all

aztec reef

Active Member
1o yrs in this game and i'm still worry everyday
i do rituals daily but when i'm not here i definetly worry!!
Thats so funny! I've been having dreams about mr putting the wrong fish in my newly cycled tank! I love this new hobby! I love that my friends and neighbors come over to stare into my new tank for hours, to see something move or find new life on my live rock. It is very addicting. I find myself reading and researching all I can about every aspect of this SW game.

jessi p

This hobby we share really is all consuming - you dont get any days off. The fish never go on vacation elsewhere so we don't have to care for them. They are totally dependent on us. So it's natural that we worry and fret over them. Not to mention how dang expensive all of the aspects of SW are!


Active Member
When I first started, I was constantly testing the water and just observing the inhabitants. Did not worry all that much.
Before jumping in, I researched for 9 months to remove many of the questions, which leads to being nervous, at least for me.
SW is a lot of fun but you have to be part scientist, adventurer, trapper, entrepreneur, designer and risk taker.