Do you hang or mount your MH lights?


I'm going to get some MH lights for my 75 when I set it up. Do you hang em from the ceiling or mount them on the tank? I'm putting mine in the family room and have to mount them because the ceiling is too high. Ill be able to mount them two feet above the tank. Will I fry everything or will it be ok?
I'm thinking about 2x175w 20000k, 2x96w compact flo actinic blue.


Well I have to 75 gal tank but have 2 x 150 de mh and 4 65 watt atinics mounted about 8 to 10 inches above water. temp is a cool 78 79 degrees at all times. I do have about 20 x turnover.
here is a pic.



i just went through the same thing and what i did first was hang them from the ceiling but they went splashing into the water so then what i did after someones suggestion on this site was i used shelf brackets, like where u mount the stip on the wall and then the brackets connect into that and it works great