do you know what i hate...


Active Member
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: you know how people buy fish like the old feeder goldfish at lets say *****. ok they buy it take it home and 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% die. then they don't care anymore. those people are crap. they don't do a single bit of reaserch and just drop them in the old fish bowl and they die the next day. i hate them. everyone at my school is like that and today i said to my friend " i just got a new clownfish yesterday" he replied " who the hell cares" i got so mad :mad: but he's my friend. there is only i person i know at school who takes care who owns a 180 reef but his dad takes care of it and he is my friend and just doesn't do anything to it. i haven't seen it but he says he has butterflies. i just hate people who buy any old fish and dump it into a WAY TOO small tank, they die the next day, and they don't care. fish are excactly like people. A LIVING THING ON EARTH!!!!! i get sooooooooooooo pissed off with people like that. do you know anyone??? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Take it down a bit.
The fact is, most of these people grow up being told by parents and such that goldfish are "very happy in a little bowl of tap-water and love food, but they die very quickly".
And a lot of Pet Store Employees act the same way as well. It's all about the trust issue.


Active Member
i couldnt even see a beta in a small bowl without a filter ......... on the ***** container it comes in , it says , betas are very happy in this container and in nature the live in small puddles in rice field .......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ok This is why i see half of the betas dead in the containers at ***** ............... so if they live in small puddles in the wild , does that mean they should take the same abuse from a pet owner ,,,,,,,,, SETUP A FREAKIN 10 GALLON TANK FOR THE FISH THAT DEPENDS ON YOU IT WILL MAKE IT THAT MUCH HAPPIER AND FOR PETE SAKE GIVE IT SOME FLOWING WATER


Active Member
Personally, I think a 10g tank with a filter is a bit much for a betta. Strong water flow is an issue with them, as is a lot of surface aggitation. So they can be in smaller containers, IMO 1-5g, nicely planted with little flow. They are air breathers.
Most probably die in large part due to how they are shipped from Asia, which makes their little bowls at the store seem like huge estates. Disease, and stress from shipping kill them just as they kill saltwater fish in the LFS.