do you let brine shrimp mature?????????


so i hatched my first batch of brine shrimp but they are so small you can barely see them do you need to let them mature so the fish can see them or just put them in your tank this small :notsure:


Active Member
The only time they are nutritious is when they are newly hatched. They lose their nutrition in a matter of a few hours. After a few hours, you need to dose them with vitamins to get them to be nutritious enough to feed your fish.


bicolor blenndy coral beauty angel, bangii cardinal, yellow watch men. I got the little kit called hatchery u just use a 2 litre bottle and an air pump and heater for free so i decided to try it out.


You could always let them mature, then feed them flake food to pack there gut. Then right after you feed them and they eat, feed them to your fish.