do you miss old Mods?


hello guys... just latting the mods who where here when i was one im still around...and still read jus not as much as i used to ...
take care and for god sakes.... Have fun.......


Staff member
Hey, Randy, glad to see you're still hanging around to keep us Old Sharks in line!
Good to see you! :D


New Member
Hey Randy! I remember you, i've been looking at these boards for a while but just recently signed up for an account!


hello Sammy..Beth...thanks for not keeping anyone in line....shoot..cant keep myself to hear from you guys...
trent...sorry you didnt sign on ealier.i thank you too for the reply
listen to these guys and gals... they got a ton of info as you have read about... they are good......helped me out alot,,,more then i ever asked... just read... so much to read....


Just had some probs with the childern not acting right and work was getting slow ... so i took a second job... you know... all the stuff that keeps a dad busy and stuff......i left from only posting... i did read some on at least a week or two apart... i see lots of new names....but glad to see the bb doing good to... the sharks seem to be doing a great job still.... like the ones i was a part and beth are i think only ones left from when i was one... i miss it... it was lot of fun.... my tank is ok... i need to do a water chang and get some lights... but ... i still only have 1 clown in there and ohhh about 100 snails now... from the pacage i got from swf... the hemits have almost gone... have few left... still see the green crabs i got .. i feed the tank atleast once a day..i hope to go to a fish store tomarrow and get new lights .. i hope!!!
well i see ya later... take care... keep up good work sharks....its hard ... but remember... keep it fun ... and try to keep it simple....its not rocket scince......