DO you remember WHEN?


Active Member
Gimme 3 or 4 of things that you remember that were such FOND memories!
Do you remember when:
Im gonna throw gas in there because everyone is going to bring it up! lol
Gas was a $1 a gallon!
Cartoons were NOT ABSTRACT and really really GOOD! ea Bugs Bunny, Transformers, Voltron.
KFC used to give you buns and SHRED not DIce their Coleslaw!
MTV used to ACTUALLY play music videos all day!
McDonalds used to give their Burgers in STYRO-FOAM containers
NO DVD'S to scratch
Reggie Jackson Candy Bar
Wacky Packs/Pop Rocks
Atari 2600
I will add more as they come! lol Some things have changed for the better some have not IMHO.


Active Member
remember when....
baseball was the correct format- al east al west nl east nl west. top team each division played, winner went to world series. not this wild card top 8 teams bs
remember when....
we used to be able to have fun around here.


Active Member
Remember when there was no such thing as a carseat and we would just scramble around the vehicles as we saw fit?
Remember when we could run all around the neighborhood doing whatever without worrying about some weirdo in a van at the end of the street?


Active Member
- When 8086 was a good computer and 286 was a future dream in the office.
- Black/green monitors was the norm
- DOS was HOT


Active Member
remember when...
we swished with some flouride mouthwash in class at school
Chips, The Dukes of Hazzard, Gilligan's Island


Active Member
remember when ....
kids used to actually be outside playing stickball, basketball, or touch football in the street, and not in front of a computer eating donuts all day?


When America ran America.
Japan controls techonigy and cartoons
China makes everything
Beligum owns the beer


Active Member
How about when Saturday mornings were special because that was when all the good cartoons were on?
How about the game Double Dribble on Atari?


Remember when you could actually get into a fist fight with your friends, then the next day you were best friends again.
As opposed to today. Be nice, act nice, seek couceling, lol


Active Member
A few More:
Friday Night Videos
WWF Wrestling was on CHANNEL 9?
There was NO SUCH THING as a "Time Out"
Drive in theaters!


Active Member
or you could actually carry a toy gun outside without having to worry about getting arrested or shot ...

payton 350

you could discipline your child and considered a good parent for it
smoke in hospitals and on airplanes
helmets and knee pads were for the retarded kids on bikes