When taking pics of fish do you use the close up mode or some other setting. I've found so far that I get better results shooting in program mode with the flash. Camera is a Nikon coolpix 5400 on a tripod.
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
almost always for tank shots
one of my best
That is an awesome shot. When I try the macro setting my depth of field is not as forgiving as your pic and it'd hit or miss on the focus. Still haven't figured out the manual focus setting on this camera but I hear it leaves alot to be desired.
For anything except a full tank shot I use macro and no flash. Or sometimes, if I get alot of glare, I put the camera in candlelight mode. That's my problem w/ my camera is I get too much glare so its all a big white blur and you really can't tell what anything is! But most of the time, I use macro where you can zoom and no flash. Sometimes if I can get close enough I'll use I think supermacro where you can't zoom. But for pics of the fish, I find macro w/ flash works the best to get their true colors. Oh yea, I have an olympus stylus 710 7.1 megapixel. Here's a couple of pics w/ it.
I get my best results in macro with no flash....auto exposure and aperture setting. also when using macro you should use a tripod to keep from blurring...i use a kodak z612---12x optical zoom 6.1 megapix