Do you think these fish would be good together??

I am really interested in getting a niger trigger. Would he do okay with my planned inhabits of 2xClarkii Clowns, 1x Flame Angel, and possibly a dwarf lion? I only have 1 of the clown right now. I am running a 55 FOWLR/LS, an emperor 400, and I have a prizm protein skimmer on its way. Do you have any suggestions? I think I would be pushing it with this cuz the trigger gets pretty big, but I thought I would see what you have to say.


stay with the clowns,angel,and get some other peaceful fish.Those fish don't belong with angels and clowns.They also produce alot more waste than fish like clowns.Get a small tang,maybe a jawfish,or small wrasse.Stay away from preditory species like triggers and lions,when you have clowns,and other small fish.


I have a Niger in with a Coral Beauty, and 2 damsels all in a 40 gallon f/o and everything seems fine. I do take into condiseration that the trigger when grown will most likely be to big for the tank and in that case I'll just transfer him to my dad's 70. I would say one or the other on the trigger and lion and I'm in more favor of a ju-v niger. Good Luck!
not for nothin' but as mentioned above with the flame and the clowns...try to stay away from the more aggresive of already have small stuff...stick with the small stuff...IMO you will have more enjoyment with not mixing species that don't belong together...take this from someone who has mixed two species together and ended up with a big headache!!!