do you think...


do you think its better to start out with fresh water fish and then change to saltwater or go straight into saltwater?


If you are going to go saltwater eventually anyway, just go that route from the beginning. Just be sure to do lots of research before you buy anything. JMO.


mmmk my parents are making me do fresh water first cuz they think i will hate all the fish stuff and cleaning and feeding and they dont want me to waste money. but if im going to do fresh water and then salt isnt that sorta a waste too because i would have to buy the fresh water filters and gravel and fish and plants and then have to get rid of that for a lower price... they think they are doing me good but its annoying lol


Active Member

Originally posted by cimpow137
do you think its better to start out with fresh water fish and then change to saltwater or go straight into saltwater?

I think if your going to spend the time researching saltwater before you make an invenstment.. Saltwater is much more rewarding.. JMO...


convince them by showing them that you did your research. There is a lot of startup issues. Once that is over you should be fine though.


This is only me but I won't sleep tonight if I don't say it... First of all, the simple fact that you have found this sight, logged on and are asking questions is admirable...Personally, I have had a freshwater tank for ten years and other than cycling, there are almost no similarities. W/ freshwater you can use minimal filtration, minimal water changes (not healthy, but do-able), You need not test for anything, & short of feeding them every couple of days it's virtually hands off. But a saltwater... whoa, undivided attention at times, many many water tests, and OFTEN, lots to do, lots to know, lots to LEARN, and lots & lots of $$. This is a long time commitment, if you want to try it cause the fish look cool... do freshwater, if you want to take on a very time consuming, but even more rewardable experience/hobby, push for saltwater.


Active Member
Also keep in mind there are different sw set ups, the easiest would be FOWLR. (Fish Only with Live Rock). You don't have to have expensive lighting that way. You can also start with the real hardy salt water fishes. I wouldn't try to keep anything difficult until you have a year or so of experience with the basics.
Later on you can use the sand and lr and equipment to upgrade your whole system if you decide to stay in the hobby.


I've done both and personally I didn't like FW, although I was in Highschool then, and now I'm cough 31. The under gravel filters and having to vaccuum poop seemed endless. Plus the fish weren't all that interesting to me. I ended up switching to brackish(sp) and then I had salt creep like mad. I ended up selling everything, and thought to myself "I'll never do that again" Now I have a FOWLR setup, and I love it. It could be that I'm more patient, I don't know. I think if your going to do either, be ready to dedicate time to the hobby. It is time consuming, and if you don't make time for it, either will fail.


Active Member
FW is definatly easier and less expensive. i kept FW for over 15 years. it can also be very beautiful. i dont know your age, but since SW takes more time and effort, consider how much time YOU have to maintain the hobby also. either one you choose i think you will enjoy. you just need to decided what is right for you right now. :happyfish
gl with your choice!


Ditto to everything they just said and..
Keep in mind college will be coming up soon and a SW tank is not something to just take apart and lug with you... do you have someone at home that is willing to learn EVERYTHING you learn in order to care for your tank? Would you just dump everything and start over when you get top where you're going.....:nope:
These are some of the things you need to consider...
GOOD luck though!
PS... here are a few of my babies...:happy: