Do you want Coral Keeper back?


Active Member
I would like to say first of all, that Coral Keeper has more or less decided to quit this forum. Unfortunately it is because of the people here. Now, it's easy to point a finger at Pezenfuego and even though he is seemingly the problem, he is more of a last straw than anything. This is a family site, sure that means that the content needs to be appropriate. But I feel that it also means that you need to treat the members like family. Sure, I don't spend much time on here and am not welcome, but I brought that on myself and I realize that Coral Keeper did not. I would like to see him stay and continue to help people. Despite his age, he is one of the better contributors to this site. The last thing I'd like to say is, don't make this about me, don't even mention me, this is about Coral Keeper. Tell us if you want him back and why. Lets see if we can fix this.


Active Member
i didnt realize he left. if he has such a problem with the people on the boards then he should just leave.
oh and scrubs sucks.


Active Member
I would love for him to come back. I diasgree with your analysis of who brought what on who, as it was all just in fun, and CK started the whole multiple question thing. But I would like to see him stick around, as his knowledge in the hobby, youthfulness, and humor would be sorely missed.


Active Member
ck should come back, but with thicker skin if pez's questions on the AMA was the reason he decided to leave...