does a coral only tank need a skimmer?



hi, iv got a reef tank and i am setting up a 3 foot coral only tank with an intenal filter, as there is only coral and liverock in the tank i think that i may get away without a skimmer, what do you think?


Active Member
I think you should reconsider and use a skimmer on the tank... Alot of people will skimp on a skimmer with a FO tank, but you will need a skimmer....Even FO tanks will benefit from running a skimmer as well!!!!



Originally posted by arkey.d
Buy a Skimmer and don't skimp on the price. Especially for a tank that has coral in it.

Hey Dan, on that price I've found for the Aqua Remora setup is in the $130-$150 that about right?
Want to make sure I'm looking at the right setup.


This is what I paid for mine with free shipping: 1 -- AquaC Remora Hang-On with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (103745) -- $163.95
1 -- AquaC Remora Filter Box for Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (103792) -- $29.95



Originally posted by arkey.d
This is what I paid for mine with free shipping: 1 -- AquaC Remora Hang-On with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (103745) -- $163.95
1 -- AquaC Remora Filter Box for Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (103792) -- $29.95

Ok, thanks.


Active Member
If you ever saw the green junk that the protein skimmer filters out of the water, you would not do without a skimmer. It looks like toxic waste or sewer sludge.


Active Member

Originally posted by arkey.d
1 -- AquaC Remora Filter Box for Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (103792) -- $29.95

What's this do? I have the same skimmer but not that box.


The filter box is for when you go out of town and you can't empty the skimmer, if it overflow it will overflow into the box and not your carpet or floor


Active Member
Ah, ok. I got my mother-in-law to do that and top off with RO when we went on a week long cruise. :D



Originally posted by hopkins6
The filter box is for when you go out of town and you can't empty the skimmer, if it overflow it will overflow into the box and not your carpet or floor

The box arkey has goes INSIDE the tank. The box has 2 seperate compartments. One houses the powerhead that feeds water into the Remora. It has slits at the top of the box on this side to ensure only surface water is being skimmed. The other side is where the output of the Remora pours into. It has a small foam filter at the bottom. That side ensures that microbubbles don't get spread throughout the tank.



Originally posted by wax32
What's this do? I have the same skimmer but not that box.

It's a Surface Skimmer and Bubble Eliminater



Originally posted by arkey.d
It's a Surface Skimmer and Bubble Eliminater

Ok, I'm going to order my Aquac Remora today, Wednesday.
But I do have a question. The Aquac Remora is a hang on skimmer.
Will I want to move that to the sump when I get it in place? And if so, will it still hang the back of the sump tank?
Arkey, could you email me the site link from where you ordered it please?


Active Member
you can hang it on the sump with no problem though if there is limited space you might just want to wait and buy an insump skimmer.


Well Spike, since nobody has answered your specific question I will give my 2 cents...
Coral and (assuming) cured live rock ONLY. No fish...right?
Yes. You still need a skimmer. Lemme explain why. When you feed your corals cyclop-eeze or phyto or whatever you are going to feed them, when that stuff hits the bottum of the tank and starts to rot, a skimmer will be most valuable.
Also, hard corals "slime" and softies "smoke" a mechanical filter nor your live rock will eliminate this. A skimmer is the best way to rid it when it happens. The slime or smoke can accumulate to toxic proportions.
BUT as mentioned the AquaC Remora with a skimmer box is a good choice...It's my fav anyway.
Unless you have a sump, then your possibilities are endless.


Active Member
OOO. I like that. I'm gonna see if my LFS can order one for me!

Arkey... about how physically big is the box? My tank is kinda smallish. :D



Originally posted by wax32
OOO. I like that. I'm gonna see if my LFS can order one for me!

Arkey... about how physically big is the box? My tank is kinda smallish. :D

It's about 8" wide by 6" vertical length and 2" deep.


Active Member
So.. just a little wider than the skimmer itself and from a little below the MJ to the surface and about 2 inches out from tank glass? I can live with that. Does it happen to have room for a small bag of carbon in the outflow area? That would make it TOO perfect! :D